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PAIRS LEAGUE 2019 - 2020



Tournament Organiser: - BM Scott-Johns (01425) 619552

1.The competition is open to members of the Dorset Pairs League
2.Matches will normally consist of 2 players per team. However, if 3 players take part one player will play 2 singles while the other 2 people play 1 singles each and the doubles.
3.All Pairs matches will be played at the Grange School on Wednesday evenings.
4.The format of matches will be as follows: - There will be five games for each team per evening, i.e. 4 singles and 1 doubles. Normal table tennis rules will apply to each individual match, i.e. best of 5 games, up to 11 points in each end, with a margin of two clear points to win deuce games.
5.One point will be awarded for each game or end won. The match score will be calculated by totalling the number of games won by each team, e.g. a player winning an individual match 3 games to 2 games will score 3 points and the opponent will score 2 points.
6.The normal order of play will be: 1) A v X 2) B v Y 3) Doubles 4) A v Y 5) B v X
7.All matches will start from 6.30pm and no later than 7.00pm. All matches must be finished by 8.30pm. In the Dorset Pairs, a 'block' will consist of 9 weeks' worth of matches (played over a 10 week period to accommodate half term). Payment for a block will also entitle a player to entry into any individual competition.
8.There is a £5 individual joining fee per block of matches. Alternatively, teams can pay £20 per 8 week block or £35 for both blocks. The playing fee for each night will be set at £3 for all players. Registration and playing fees should be collected and passed to the Tournament Organiser.
9.Each team must have a minimum of two players registered to play for them.
10.Match Balls will be provided.
11.Umpires shall be appointed for each match, whose decision on point of fact shall be final. Only match players and the umpire should be present on court during matches.
12.All matches should be played on the dates as listed in the fixtures schedule.
13.League Etiquette
'A friendly yet sporting environment' is expected from all players. Only match players and the umpire should be present on court during matches. All other players should be sitting behind the green barriers. All players should be conscious of other matches going on around them and make every effort not to distract players. Talking is permitted outside of the court areas. If players have a concern about another player, this concern should first be shared with the umpire and if necessary the volunteer managers on the night. On no account should players directly reprimand other players. Swearing and overly aggressive behaviour is not tolerated by the volunteer managers. If this becomes a regular pattern of behaviour, a player may be warned and if not rectified may be kindly asked to leave the league.
14.If anybody has any concerns or queries they would like to share with the Welfare Officer, please contact Gordon White on 01202 428114 or by email gfwhite@lacelles.co.uk


Tournament Organiser: - BM Scott-Johns (01425) 619552

1.The competition is open to members of the Dorset Pairs League
2.Matches will normally consist of 2 players per team. However, if 3 players take part one player will play 2 singles while the other 2 people play 1 singles each and the doubles.
3.All Pairs matches will be played at the Grange School on Wednesday evenings.
4.The format of matches will be as follows: - There will be five games for each team per evening, i.e. 4 singles and 1 doubles. Normal table tennis rules will apply to each individual match, i.e. best of 5 games, up to 11 points in each end, with a margin of two clear points to win deuce games.
5.One point will be awarded for each game or end won. The match score will be calculated by totalling the number of games won by each team, e.g. a player winning an individual match 3 games to 2 games will score 3 points and the opponent will score 2 points.
6.The normal order of play will be: 1) A v X 2) B v Y 3) Doubles 4) A v Y 5) B v X
7.All matches will start from 6.30pm and no later than 7.00pm. All matches must be finished by 8.30pm. In the Dorset Pairs, a 'block' will consist of 9 weeks' worth of matches (played over a 10 week period to accommodate half term). Payment for a block will also entitle a player to entry into any individual competition.
8.There is a £5 individual joining fee per block of matches. Alternatively, teams can pay £20 per 8 week block or £35 for both blocks. The playing fee for each night will be set at £3 for all players. Registration and playing fees should be collected and passed to the Tournament Organiser.
9.Each team must have a minimum of two players registered to play for them.
10.Match Balls will be provided.
11.Umpires shall be appointed for each match, whose decision on point of fact shall be final. Only match players and the umpire should be present on court during matches.
12.All matches should be played on the dates as listed in the fixtures schedule.
13.League Etiquette
'A friendly yet sporting environment' is expected from all players. Only match players and the umpire should be present on court during matches. All other players should be sitting behind the green barriers. All players should be conscious of other matches going on around them and make every effort not to distract players. Talking is permitted outside of the court areas. If players have a concern about another player, this concern should first be shared with the umpire and if necessary the volunteer managers on the night. On no account should players directly reprimand other players. Swearing and overly aggressive behaviour is not tolerated by the volunteer managers. If this becomes a regular pattern of behaviour, a player may be warned and if not rectified may be kindly asked to leave the league.
14.If anybody has any concerns or queries they would like to share with the Welfare Officer, please contact Gordon White on 01202 428114 or by email gfwhite@lacelles.co.uk
Visits: xxx
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